sunshine recorder


in between towing the line and on one side sometimes the other. there are so many directions to go with a thing but even when there's only two they can each seem too appealing. caught between one thing and the next, and when a person makes a good case it's hard to turn that down too how should one be able to make up a mind when everything is appealing at once? every force acts on a ball , ball des umstände it's hard to believe that a person could speak with such conviction about the inflation rate, or black bodies, or the polar bears when they could so easily think something else and do, many times. it's got to be more about what it seems than what it is and you should know that it's all simulacra anyway, and everything is governed by what it seems. should it really be so ridiculous when the things we do are usually devoid of meaning anyway? why should it be so ridiculous that a politician couldn't care about you when your job makes no sense, people don't talk to you because they're busy doing nothing, and the things you take comfort in destroy you? should an animal be worth more than a human? is it worth it to be human centric and why? is it worth saving or is it better to just believe in the cats and dogs. you could go to the top of the roof and shout about why things are one way or the other, nobody would believe you unless the way you seem is interesting or related to the way they'd like to seem. the moderate is sinking and shrinking and dying and starving and gone and either you think kids gotta know about lgbt in schools or they can't hear about it at all, it can't be treated as a normal phenomenon, we've gotta be all about it or burn books. in conclusion it'll be better when florida is entirely submerged